Did you know that Barrack Obama spent 4 years in Indonesia as a child? While this may not be a news to many some are still shocked to hear it. A lot of stories unfold as Barrack Obama along with his family landed in Bali for their vacations. Obama moved to Jakarta at the age of 6 when his mother married an Indonesian man after her marriage ended with Barrack's Kenyan father.
Just as he landed a lot of memories were refreshed. Same were the sentiments of Sonni Gondokusumo who is a former classmate of Obama at the Menteng 01 state elementary school in Jakarta. He also showed a class photograph of him standing behind young Barrack Obama wearing a school beret.
“I feel proud that my friend became a president,”
“He was a clever boy. Whenever a teacher asked him to solve a problem in front of the class, he could do it,” Gondokusomo said. He also hopes that he gets to meet his old class mate and former President again.
Obama family kicked off the perfect start of vacation by staying in Four Seasons Resort near Ubud Center in Bali. They enjoyed a family visit in the city of Yogyakarta at Java Island while visiting the famous ancient temple of Borobudur. About 700 central java police officers were deployed to provide full security for his visit to Borobudur.
Obama is also due to visit President Joko Widodo at the palace in Bogor, South of Jakarta and a visit to the capital on Saturday. Last time Obama visited Indonesia was in 2010 where his wife Michelle Obama accompanied him. This time the whole family is here to enjoy the vacations including their daughters Malia & Sasha.