Tourism Department has taken a keen interest in the price wars that has taken Bali with a storm recently. Bali the Island of Gods was named as the best tourist destination of 2016 but as they say with great powers comes great responsibility, it seems to be fall true in Bali's case. As the number of tourists are increasing every year Hotels are now fighting each other with pricing. 

The number of Starred hotels are increasing but they are also lowering their prices every single day to attract more tourists and in short increasing their occupancy. While this sounds great to tourist, it has officially gotten Bali Regional Tourism Promotion Agency (BPPD) and the Bali Provincial Government worried. They believe that such price wars may affect the image of the Island and people may no longer associate it with elegance and quality. 

While you can currently get a room in a 3 star hotel for as low as $22 a night it may not be the case in the near future. 

PPD Bali head, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati, says unease about hotel rate pricing has been felt for the past three years.

“Not only is the problem about a decline in the quality of tourism, but an economy this competitive is not healthy,” Sukawati said on Monday

Sukwati has proposed that Bali's government should take this issue in consideration and address it by standardizing rates throughout the Island. Standardizing the rates could result in basing the standard price on keeping the factors like hotel's star rating, room count, quality and service in consideration.

Bali's Governor  Made Mangku Pastika also issued a statement recently urging to create a legal framework which makes the standardize room rates in Bali clear.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in Bali, there are 281 star-rated hotels in Bali. Most of which are three-star, with 89 having that rating.