Bali hopes to fill the pandemic tourist hole by becoming a quarantine destination for international visitors entering Indonesia, which an official says will assist the local tourism business.

Deputy Governor Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati, or Cok Ace, said yesterday during a virtual event that there has been a lot of desire from foreign tourists to stay in Bali while going through the quarantine process once they arrive in Indonesia.

“Once the quarantine process is over, they can travel to their destination, such as Jakarta or other regions,” Cok Ace explained.

The reverse has been true for the majority of the pandemic. Foreign visitors travelling in Indonesia have had to transit and be quarantined in Jakarta before continuing on to their final destinations, which include Bali.

“This will not have a huge [commercial] impact, but let international guests to come to Bali [for quarantine] so that there is still some fire burning to keep the spirits up among tourism players,” the governor continued.

Ganip Warsito, the chairman of Indonesia's National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), stated the recommendation will be considered by the COVID-19 Task Force.

Despite the implementation of the Protocol on the Enforcement of Restrictions on Public Activities (PPKM), Indonesia continues to bar the majority of foreign immigrants. Holders of Diplomatic Visas and Service Visas, as well as those with Temporary Stay Permits (KITAS) and Permanent Stay Permits, are excluded (KITAP).

At the same time, worldwide travel restrictions have had a significant impact on Bali's tourism-based economy. Over the last year, more than 36,000 people plunged into poverty.