Caow Eng Bio is one of Bali’s oldest Chinese temples. Locally referred to simply as Klenteng Tanjung Benoa by locals, Caow Eng Bio is an impressive historical landmark that’s worth a visit while in Tanjung Benoa. Together with some local Hindu villages and sea temples, it’s one of the very few cultural and historical attractions of its kind in the area. The Chinese temple is an interesting local sightseeing spot, and offers a good break from the water sports that Tanjung Benoa is better known for.

Visiting Caow Eng Bio Chinese Temple
Caow Eng Bio is located at the far northern end of the Tanjung Benoa Peninsula. Take the Jalan Segara Ening from the Catus Pata crossroads, then follow the road until its end with the temple on the right-hand side. The temple stands majestically in front of its spacious front yard. Its bright red and ornate walls frame a wooden entrance painted with fearsome war deities. Stepping inside, you’ll immediately see its main building in beautiful Chinese architecture, which houses the prayer rooms with a large ash cauldron on pedestals and gigantic red candles.

You will also see wooden plaques bearing several scripture verses of wisdom in Chinese and Indonesian, as well as names engraved in marble in honour of those who have contributed in building the Caow Eng Bio Chinese temple. Celebrations and religious events are held up to three days here, but the holy days of Chinese New Year and Vesak are busiest of all. Entry is free and donations are welcome. Pieces of paper next to the donation box are given away to all visitors. They’re believed to be a token of gratitude and a charm of good fortune for both your house and your wallet.

Caow Eng Bio Chinese Temple
Opening Hours: 06:00-21.00
Location: Jalan Segara Ening, Tanjung Benoa
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