Lion Group is resuming the flight operations for domestic passengers from Wednesday. These flights operate under strict health protocols after the temporary suspension of this month, confirmed by a company's representative.
The decision of restarting the service operations has been taken after the circular issued by Covid-19 Task force letter no No. 7/2020 on the requirements for travel during the so-called “new normal” period. The government is now gradually looking to relax the restrictions and reopen the economy and businesses under proper health procotols.
“Member companies of the Lion Air Group are planning to resume domestic flights on June 10, following the issuance of the circular letter. The new regulation has simplified the requirements for passengers to travel,” company spokesperson Danang Mandala Prihantoro said on Monday in a press release.
As per the new regulations passengers are now required to produce just the personal health certificates confirming that they are not affected by influenza-like symptoms issued by a proper health institute such as hospitals or community health centers.
Previously the flight operations of the company were suspended on June 5th, as majority of the passengers failed to provide the mandatory required documentation for boarding. Those documents included identity card, an official letter of assigned duty and a doctor’s letter declaring them to be free of COVID-19.
Danang however reconfirmed and reminded the passengers that they are to strictly adhere with the health protocols in place such as wearing the masks through out the process from boarding till leaving the airport along with maintaining the proper physical distancing. They will still be required to display and show their identity upon boarding.
“Lion Air will continue to implement health protocols during our operations to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” Danang said.
The Transportation Ministry suspended a flight of Lion Air Group on Jakarta Bali route in May as they were found to be violating the physical distancing rule during its operation.