April, the month when the sky usually starts to clear in Indonesia, is upon us. Although heavy rain still falls at unpredictable times, it should not stop your adventurous side from exploring the archipelago.

The following are four adventures you might be interested in checking out

Visiting orangutans

There is a high chance to meet orangutans in their natural habitat, such as in Kalimantan's or North Sumatra's rainforests. In Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, you can try visiting natural conservation areas to meet the orangutans at the Samboja Lestari Forest.

Cycling on Lombok

Cycling enthusiasts may visit Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara and be a part of the Tour de Lombok Mandalika sports tourism event. The cycle race is to start and end in Central Lombok, taking its participants to see Lombok’s cultural and tourist attractions while biking. The event is scheduled to run from April 13 to 16.

Trekking on Mount Rinjani

Those who love trekking may set their sights on Mount Rinjani. After being closed because of extreme weather since January, the trekking route on Mt. Rinjani is scheduled to reopen in April. The 3,672-meter mountain offers challenging routes and breathtaking views. In 2016, more than 89,000 tourists from Indonesia and from the overseas had reportedly climbed Mt. Rinjani.

Read more on www.thejakartapost.com