The waters around Bali are suitable for water activities of all kinds. Thanks to the many natural sights underwater, water sports are a typical business. It is the right article for you if you're involved in setting up a dive center in Bali.

We will be discussing international ownership of watersports centers and other services in Bali. We will also address some of the most popular questions about a diving center's location in Bali.

Can a foreigner own a diving center in Bali?

Water diving centers are known as water tourism business facilities. This category makes a limit of 49% of non-ASEAN foreign ownership. Investors from ASEAN countries could own up to 70 percent of these companies. A foreign investor needs to have an Indonesian partner to start a diving center in Bali.

Under this classification, investors can operate businesses involving the following, among others:







Business Registration for a Diving Center in Bali

Requirements to Open a Diving Center in Bali

As already described, it cannot be a 100% foreign-owned company of this kind. You would also require a regional partner. A particular purpose vehicle built by Emerhub is a protected option.

The local agency that owns the stock on your behalf is a particular purpose vehicle. Emerhub would create a legal framework to protect your business interests as your special purpose vehicle in Bali.

Before you can file your company in Bali, you must also have a valid business address. The building alluded to in the speech must have a building permit.

No diving business can be registered using a virtual office address. There must be an actual office in a diving center. The office room can be leased in Bali or purchase a business property with your company name.

Minimum Capital Requirement for a Diving Center

For a foreign company in Indonesia, minimum capital requirements are IDR 2.5 billion (approx. USD 170,000). Note that in Indonesia, if a foreigner owns any part of a company, no matter how little, it is a foreign-owned company.

Documents and Licenses Needed for a Diving Center in Bali

Before you can begin to operate your business, you will need the following:

Articles of Association

Approval from the Ministry of the Law and Human Rights to the Articles of Association

An operational license from the OSS, known locally as Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)

Company domicile, known locally as Surat Keterangan Tempat Usaha (SKTU)

Company tax, known locally as Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP)

Tourism license, known locally as Tanda Daftar Usaha Pariwisata (TDUP)

Environmental licenses, known locally Usaha Pengelolaan Lingkungan (UKL) and Usaha Pemantauan Lingkungan (UPL)

Emerhub can also help you obtain the above documents in addition to facilitating your company registration.

Frequently Asked Questions About Operating a Diving Center in Bali

Can a diving company own a boat?

Yes, a boat may be owned by a diving firm. Please note that boats over 7 GT need to be licensed.

Can I register a boat under my company's name? What are the requirements for registration?

Yes, you can register your boat under the name of the company.

The requirements for boat registration are the following:

Application submitted to the Port Authority (KSOP) Class II Benoa

Copy of the boat's measurement letter

Proof of ownership

Owner's identity

Certificate of the ship

What kind of stay permit (KITAS) can a diving company sponsor?

Diving firms will fund KITAS for directors, commissioners, managers, and consultants. Diving companies cannot support KITAS for diving instructors according to current laws. At the moment, only impresario companies can sponsor KITAS for diving instructors.

Can I work as a diving instructor when I have an investor KITAS/director KITAS?

No, you cannot work as an instructor. You can only fulfill duties about your company's operation when you have an investor or director, KITAS.

I want to work as a diving instructor; how can I get KITAS?

You can only get a KITAS as a diving instructor through what are known as impresario companies. Emerhub can assist in applying for a KITAS as a diving instructor.

If I register a diving company in Bali, can I make diving trips to Komodo and Raja Ampat?

No, in Komodo and Raja Ampat, you must apply for additional operating licenses.