Bali have always been attracting spiritual crowds and
people in search of a healthy lifestyle. It started with yoga retreats in Ubud, eco
& green cafes, and now we can find even the most elaborated detox programs
and among the most unusual spiritual experiences, all over the island.Whether this is new for you or want to experiment
different things than the usual ones, we’ve short listed 10 healthy and wellness activities in Bali.You MUST at least experience one of them if you travel to Bali soon :
1.Spiritual tour

For those of you who are looking into experiencing a spiritual
journey in Bali, this tour will be your answer. You will be meditating at
different energy and power sources within the island, which are chosen due to
their unique spiritual significance. Along with their experienced healers, you
will definitely emerge from the tour more spiritually enriched.You can also get deeper into it, making it in 3 days,
learn about self healing, chakra cleansing and better self acknowledgement. A
journey that will also be using other personalised methods such as Numerology
& Palmistry, Tarot and energy work to name a few.
2. Qi Gong Initiation

Qigong is one of the oldest meditation techniques that have
proven to be highly effective for those who seek balance in both physical and
emotional wellbeing.The word “Qigong” means cultivating energy, and was first
invented 5000 years ago by a legendary Taoist master. Today, Qigong has been perfected with
the practice of Tai Chi or Yoga, with the focus on the fundamental of “Yin” and
“Yang”. By implementing this belief on its practices, you will be able to live
in harmony in your health, mind and the natural word, while maintaining a high
sense of spiritual awareness within yourself. Regular practitioners of “Qigong”
have also included enhanced quality of life as part of the benefits, and this
will inevitably have similar effects on those around them.
3. Mind,Body & Soul : The Shihodhara AyurvedicTreatment

The Shihodara treatment,
for those of you who are not familiar, is a world famous treatment originally
used by Indian yogis to enhance self awareness.Bali is one of the best places on earth to do it, where
massages and spas are part of Balinese culture,
you will find some highly trained therapist to perform this spa treatment in the most
intimate comfort.During this experience, your therapist will massage vital
karma points as a golden stream of medicated oils cascades off your forehead.
At this same moment you will reach your ultimate serenity.
4. Private Tibetan Yoga Class

This is an ideal way of starting your holidays in Bali, going back
home for a joyful life with a peaceful mind.This is one of the best introduction to positive thinking
and meditation, getting an insight
on buddhism way of thinking.Learn Buddhist health
exercise and practice a meditation for maintaining vitality and
strength. You will learn breathing and relaxation techniques as well as how to
purify thoughts, speech and actions. Once tried, you might want to practice it
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