Officials from the Denpasar Tourism Agency are hopeful that the central government's plan to reopen Bali's international transport corridor will proceed as planned.

Dezire Mulyani, the Head of Denpasar Tourism Agency, encourages the central government to keep the plan to reopen the border for international visitors by October 2021 on track, as most of the preparation stages to create a safer environment for travelers, such as Clean Health Safety Environment (CHSE) certification and QR code scanning, have been properly implemented in the majority of tourism areas on the island.

"We haven't got an announcement regarding the reopening as of tomorrow, but we truly hope that the central government won't cancel it again like in the past." Mulyani stated on Thursday (30/9) afternoon. Mulyani said that all tourist attractions in Denpasar, such as beaches and shopping malls, have made QR code scanning a mandatory for tourists.

"Aside from tourist attractions and shopping malls, some lodging businesses such as cafes, restaurants, and hotels have begun to use PeduliLindungi tracing during their operations, despite the fact that it is not required." Mulyani elaborated.

She did, however, concede that the majority of accommodation firms in Denpasar were not CHSE certified due to the complex process.

"According to our data, just 40% of our accommodation firms have been accredited with CHSE due to the central government's limited quota." Some firms were not certified because they chose to close their doors." Mulyani concluded.