Tourism Minister Arief Yahya has been pitching in more effort to spread the gospel of "Wonderful Indonesia" — the Tourism Ministry's international marketing campaign. One of its latest campaigns is slapping the Wonderful Indonesia brand on 40 taxicabs in Marseille, France.
The Indonesian Consul General in Marseille, Dewi M. Kusumaastuti, said the Wonderful Indonesia ads will start appearing in cabs around the city on June 1, and will last for at least a month.
"We will also put brochures showing tourist destinations in Indonesia in these taxis," she added.
The Indonesian Consulate General in France has partnered with French tour operator Climats du Monde to put 2,000 flyers in the taxicabs.
The Wonderful Indonesia brand has already been seen in New York’s Times Square, Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam and in several other locations in China, Australia, Japan and India.
The famous London cabs have also been plastered with Wonderful Indonesia decals.
"In 2015, 200 black cabs in London were wrapped in Wonderful Indonesia decals showing off various tourist destinations in Indonesia. In 2016, we did the same with 400 taxis," Tourism Minister Arief Yahya said.
The Visit Indonesia Tourism Officer (VITO) in France, Eka Moncarre, said the Wonderful Indonesia decals on Marseille's cabs will feature pictures of Bali, Lake Toba, Komodo Island and Borobudur Temple.