Provincial government of Bali confirmed that internet services will remain active on the day of silence "Nyepi" this year. There were news reports with rumors about complete province wide shut down of internet services during Nyepi that lead to some major confusion amongst the public.
“This means that cellular data and IPTV (Internet Protocol television) will be off, but the internet will remain on. The internet at home, especially in hospitals and other vital objects will be on like normal,” Gede Pramana, Head of the Communication, Informatics and Statistics Agency in Bali, said in a statement.
“Only [cellular data] on phones will be off. You can still text and call, even your computer, laptop and mobile phones can connect to the Wi-Fi at home or office and be used like normal.”
Nyepi is one of the most holy days of Balinese religion and everyone on the Island including the non Balinese are expected to respect this sacred practice and stay inside where the lights are not to be seen from outside. As per the tradition people are not supposed to travel or work as this day is all about self reflection.
Cellular data services being turned off during Nyepi is not exactly new, and non-mobile internet service providers (ISPs) have also largely remained operational in previous years. In addition, transportation hubs, including the Ngurah Rai International Airport, will be closed for 24 hours from 6am on March 14 to 6am on March 15.