Thinking of moving to Bali? Don’t make things hard on yourself. Get The Ultimate Guide for Moving to Bali and learn how to make the move quickly and easily.
Ask an expat or long-term resident of Bali how much the island has changed in the last 10 years, and you’ll get a hundred different answers. Many will tell you about how much more traffic there is now. Others will tell you about how much more expensive things are, and how a Bintang used to cost 50 cents. Most of them will talk about the “good ol’ days”.
Then some of the more positive expats will talk about how the internet and infrastructure has improved drastically in the past 10 years. Or how many more and varied facilities for everything from sports to leisure are available on the island. Or the vast selection of food and restaurants now available from practically every country around the world.
All of the examples above are completely true, although many expats will choose to answer that question while focusing solely on the positives or the negatives.
After recently spending several months away from Bali while traveling, upon my return I was forced to reassess the island of Bali and expat life here in a whole new light. I’ve always truly loved living in Bali, but being able to compare it so directly to so many new places exposed a few of the island’s shortcomings. Those shortcomings were easy to recognize while away, but when I returned, I remembered immediately why so many expats call Bali home.
The answer is: Yes, Bali is still a great place to be an expat
Some expats with 10+ years on Bali might disagree strongly with that statement, and will start talking about the good ol’ days again. I understand that fully – Bali isn’t the same place it used to be a decade ago.
that’s a good thing. For the average person, Bali is a much easier and more desirable place to live today than it was a decade ago. The island of Bali at this point is much more ready to accommodate for a new family who wants to try life abroad. 10 years ago, only the most adventurous families would seriously consider it as their new home with kids in tow.
Western amenities are available in most supermarkets. The internet is fast enough and stable enough to keep you in touch with friends and family back home, or all over the world.
Life in most areas of Bali feels nothing like living in a developing country. In many people’s opinion, Bali provides the perfect balance of modernism. All the conveniences of a big city, without the hassles of a big city. Modern living, right by the beach. Few other places in Southeast Asia offer this level of completeness, while still being close to the ocean.