America was experiencing the first flush of modern lifestyle wave and inventing the speakeasy, with glamorous singing, dancing and happiness by starting one of the biggest booze trades, Europe was celebrating peace after the devastating world war one, A hundred years ago. Those were the roaring twenties when every thing was possible.
And now after a hundred years we are still wondering what hit us. Prosecution of President is being done by the Americans, British are not comfortable with European Union any more and world leaders who don't care about the future are being protested by Greta Thunberg. So no more carefree days.
Yes we may have advances in the technology, commerce, a master race because of the computers and mobile phones, developed villas, hotels and sky scrappers but one must wonder at what cost? What have we actually progressed in?
If you only look back at the last year and wonder what good did you contribute to and for the world? or for the community around me? Its a sad reality that we are consumed by our own issues of work life balance that we hardly get any time. However we have to step up and make time for others, the sick, the poor and the needy. We need to support the charities and organizations that focus on saving energy, water , cultural promotion and even in the tiniest bit they are putting their efforts to make the world seem like a better place.
The "Roaring Twenties' of the current century is definitely more focused on saving the world from too much peace rather than the horrors of war.