Pemerintah pusat telah memutuskan untuk membatalkan Partial Lockdown Level 3 yang akan diterapkan selama musim liburan mendatang di Bali.

The central government has decided to revoke the Level 3 partial lockdown which will be implemented during the upcoming holiday season in Bali.

Through the coordinator of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, the central government confirmed that the planned increase in restrictions during the upcoming holiday season in Bali has been canceled.

Luhut also said this policy will be implemented in all provinces of Indonesia, including Bali, as the transmission of Covid-19 has reportedly been adequately addressed in recent months.

Although the policy has been revoked, there has been a review regarding the implementation of the current partial level 2 lockdown to anticipate the Covid-19 cluster among visitors. Policy changes include:

Domestic tourists must be fully vaccinated to gain access to the island.

Show evidence of negative results on the rapid antigen test, performed 24 hours before departure.

New Year's celebrations are prohibited in all public places.

Shopping centers, restaurants and other tourist sites will operate at 75% of their capacity.

Each visitor must use the PeduliLindung tracking app upon arrival.

Luhut explained that the decision was made after considering the factors that have positively impacted the handling of the pandemic. Among them, the rapid spread of the Covid-19 vaccine, a significant reduction in the transmission of Covid-19 and a decrease in the current hospital bed occupancy rate (BED).

Luhut juda mengatakan kebijakan ini akan diterapkan di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia, termasuk Bali, karena penularan Covid-19 dilaporkan telah ditangani secara memadai dalam beberapa bulan terakhir.

Meski kebijakan tersebut dibatalkan, namun ada revisi terkait penerapan lockdown parsial Level 2 saat ini untuk mengantisipasi klaster Covid-19 di kalangan pengunjung. Perubahan kebijakan meliputi:

Wisatawan domestik harus sepenuhnya divaksinasi untuk mendapatkan akses ke pulau itu.

Tunjukkan bukti hasil rapid antigen test negative, dilakukan 24 jam sebelum keberangkatan.

Perayaan Tahun Baru dilarang di semua tempat umum.

Pusat perbelanjaan, restoran, dan lokasi wisata lainnya akan beroperasi pada kapasitas 75%.

Setiap pengunjung harus menggunakan aplikasi pelacakan PeduliLindungi pada saat kedatangan.

Luhut menjelaskan, keputusan ini diambil setelah mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang berdampak positive pada penanganan pandemi. Di antaranya, penyebaran vaksin Covid-19 yang cepat, penurunan penularan Covid-19 yang signifikan, dan penurunan Bed occupancy rate (BED) rumah sakit saat ini.