According to Bali Public Civil Service officials, nightclubs are permitted to host party events with strict preventative methods.

I Dewa Nyoman Rai Dharmadi, the Head of Bali's Public Civil Service, affirmed that all nightclubs in Bali are permitted to operate with strong preventative mechanisms in place. "Nightclubs are allowed to organize party events as long as they follow preventative methods," Dharmadi stated on Monday (1/11).

During a recent discussion with the managers of various Bali nightclubs, Dharmadi urged them to form an internal Covid-19 Handling Task Force within their enterprises. "I told them to form a separate task force to oversee the implementation of preventative measures during their operations in order to avoid the formation of new clusters within their firms," Dharmadi continued.

Aside from that, he asked those establishments to use the PeduliLindungi tracing app as a prerequisite for their clients to enter. "Government officials, including police personnel, will continue to oversee the implementation of the PeduliLindungi tracing app within such enterprises to prevent them from running at full capacity," Dharmadi concluded.