The 12th annual Sanur Village Festival in 2017 (SVF 2017) held from 9-13 August 2017 (daily from 11am to 11pm) will present an awakening festival by realising, kindling and sharing the nations spirit of unity with Bhinneka Tunggal Ika or Unity in Diversity values.

The chairman of SVF Ida Bagus Gde Sidharta Putra, mentions that lately, various issues in the country has moved community elements to acknowledge the difference in Indonesia’s united soul. But this condition does not mean we just stand still and gradually let these differences create disharmony. SVF as a festival that is based on “the new spirit of heritage”. It realises that the Unity in Diversity value is an important part of the moral movement that should be grown continually.

“Re-strengthening the values of Bhineka Tunggal Ika is a nations awakening process. The extensive hatred and violence in both the cyber and real world has kindled awareness, as these are threats to the nations unity. SVF with its programs attempt to create an “awakening festival” by sending out good messages for the nations unity with its Unity in Diversity values.

During its journey, SVF 2017 always features cultural diversity in its programs with Art and Culture Ambassadors from the Indonesian archipelago, showing that the Sanur community is very open to all Indonesian citizens. This fact is also supported by international communities to come to visit each year. SVF considers The Unity in Diversity value to be very relevant, so it has been chosen as the theme for the festival, as part of the embodiment of love for the nation”, he says.