Every year not only Balinese Hindu community look forward to the celebrations of Melasati which is followed by Nyepi " The Day of Silence" but tourists from all around the world look forward to this amazing experience. It is a totally different spiritual experience which enlightens people to a new side of them as they find themselves surprised in the middle of a fertile yet dry valley watching the moon slowly pass the sun. bali-solar-eclipse-855x400   This year however it is going to be different as Bali and most Indonesian region are going to experience one of the most spectacular event of the nature i.e. "Solar eclipse in Bali" on March 9th 2016. Nasa officials are already rating this eclipse a million on a scale of 10. This is expected to start around 6:19 Am and the full eclipse is expected to set at 7:21 am continuing for some time. It is said to be once in a life time event so everyone is already excited to witness this great view. However as they say every good thing may come at a price so solar eclipse may be a beautiful event but it also comes with some down sides so we strongly recommend to take the following precautions:- Never look at the solar eclipse with a naked eye. Use the two way projection cards and still do not stare at the eclipse with a naked eye through the hole Use specially designed solar filters and do not stare at the eclipse for long intervals. Do not use normal sun glasses, film or smoked glass. Telescopes and Binoculars are even a bigger no than normal sun glasses unless you are using the special solar filter.