Migrants workers of Indonesia, who mostly work on cruise ships have recently been given green signal to return to their home. However their return has also raised concerns among the community of being the risk of bringing covid-19 to their home towns. A recent case of two cruise workers returning home in Bangli regency is one of the biggest example where they tested positive for covid-19.
This is where Tauzia Hotel Chain stepped up and offered their services, they are going to facilitate the mandatory fourteen days isolation period for the returning migrant workers before they can return to their home. HARRIS Hotel & Residences Sunset Road, HARRIS Hotel Denpasar, and POP! Hotel Denpasar are the ones that are going to donate the rooms.
This collaboration between the brand and local government has been possible with the local Desa Adat to devise a preemptive measure to flatten the curve of corona virus spread. Local Government chose these particular hotels considering their strict hygiene and health protocols and their SOPS. These hotels can accommodate the migrant workers in their 380 rooms from Bali and the medical works in charge of looking after them.
The in-bound migrant workers will have already gone through several screening processes from the countries where they work and will also go through rapid tests before they arrive at the hotels to ensure they are in a healthy condition. The strict procedure will place them in different rooms with supervision by professional medical workers.

Strict health protocols have been implemented to ensure the safety of all parties including employees, migrants and the health workers. These protocols require regular temperature check for guests and employees , regular disinfecting of the rooms and providing hand sanitizers in all areas of the hotel. Hotel staff on duty are required to wear the masks, gloves and face shields. PPE is required to be worn by the hotel cleaning staff while cleaning the rooms.
“We want to ensure that our hotels implement the hygiene and health protocols as they should, so both guests and hotel employees in charge are protected. We hope this collaboration can also invite all communities to move together in reducing the spread of Covid-19,” said Nyoman Wirayasa, Cluster General Manager of TAUZIA Hotels Bali Region.
both guests and hotel employees in charge are protected. We hope this collaboration can also invite all communities to move together in reducing the spread of Covid-19,” said Nyoman Wirayasa, Cluster General Manager of TAUZIA Hotels Bali Region.