The streets of London have been raving for months full
with speculations about the mysterious identity of the owner of a few
gold-plated supercars estimated to be worth over $1,000,000. These cars have
been spotted driving through the city of London, roaring their engines, and
grabbing huge attention at almost every red light.

Initial speculations stated that the owner is probably a
Saudi prince or the son of a Russian oligarch. We were able to track down the
identity of the owner and found he was our very own Jakarta-born and raised,
Ahmad Sukarno. Sukarno is part of thenew wave of self-made
millionaires of the Binary Options industry.
Ahmad’s fleet of gold-plated sports cars includes a Mercedes
AMG GT estimated to be worth over $400,000, a $300,000 Bentley GT3, a $600,000
Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe, and a $350,000 Lamborghini Aventador. The same
Lamborghini was also photographed and spotted recently driving through Jakarta
streets, carrying the same plate number of the Lamborghini spotted driving
through London. The picture of Ahmad Sukarno was taken in Jakarta during that
drive and was later matched with the same plate number of the car that is
constantly roaming London’s streets.

Up until today, there was not a lot known about this wave of
new millionaires. Most of them aremaking their millions while
working from home, all sharing the secret to riches on private
invite-only chat groups and forums. They kept themselves away from the
spotlight and maintained a low-profile as much as possible, trying to keep
their secret to getting rich from being discovered by too many people. Sukarno,
however, is the more outgoing type, covering his cars with real gold and buying
a new supercar almost every month. He attracts a lot of attention, and even
behind his black windshields he was caught by our photographer in Jakarta while
stopping for gas and was photographed with a young model sitting in the
passenger’s seat next to him - apparently living the Indonesian dream.

There are numerous rumors
lately about peoplemaking huge sums of money trading binary options. Sukarno is real proof, as he’s not just another
“rich kid” buying expensive cars with his Daddy’s money, but a regular person
who owned a gardening shop and made millions trading binary options all by