Throughout the archipelago, there are countless villages that have preserved their respective
cultures and heritages.The Jakarta Post Travel picks seven unique villages that are ready to welcome
tourists with their community-based tourism. Here you can visit, stay with and
experience their rituals, ceremonies or even taste their local delicacies.
1. Baduy Village,Banten

The Baduy village is located on the hills of Kendeng Mountain, about 75 kilometers south of Rangkasbitung, Banten. This traditional village is the closest traditional village to Jakarta, which can be reached by train from Tanah Abang station to Rangkasbitung station. You can then take public transportation to the village.
2. Tenganan Village, Bali

Tenganan villagein Karangasem is one of only a few remaining communities in Bali that offers the authentic experience of being able to see what life was like on the island decades ago.Although the village is now rapidly catching up with modernization, you can still see glimpses of the traditional way of living. The current villagers in Tenganan are descendents of those who lived on the island well before the Javanese arrived in Bali in the 15th century.
3. Bayan Village,Lombok

Located in North Lombok district, the village is set at the foot of Indonesia’s second highest mountain, surrounded by a vast rice field, numerous waterfalls, a well-preserved rainforest and it’s only 20 minutes from the beach.The villagers follow a philosophy called Wetu Telu, which mixes elements of Islam with ancestral worship.“Wetu Telu is not a religion, it is actually a life philosophy that is practiced by the Bayan tribe,” said Raden Anggia Kusuma, one of the Pemangku orBayantribe leaders.
4. Wae Rebo Village,Flores,East Nusa Tenggara

Before 2008,this isolated village deep in the woods at a height of 1,100 meters above sea level was not well known. It is the only village in West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara that still has traditional houses called mbaru niang- circular cone-shaped houses.For the Manggarai people, visitingWae Rebois a pilgrimage.Comprising seven conical houses neatly placed in a circle on a small lawn, Wae Rebo is crafted out of the top end of a giant landscape that begins with jagged peaks at one end that gently roll into a green carpet to the sea at the other end.
5. Lamalera Village,East Nusa Tenggara

Lamalera villagein Lembata regency, East Nusa Tenggara, is known for its whale hunting ritual.The village is located on a beach that faces the Sawu Sea in East Nusa Tenggara province.Ancient local custom states that upon hearing the call, a lamafa (harpooner) must muster a troop of matros (oarsmen) to quickly set out on the Sawu Sea on their traditional peledang wooden boats.