Investissement Villa Bali
Apr 11, 2016
top 5 must visit clubs in bali
Top 5 Clubs in Bali
Bali and crazy night life comes together so if you think you are going to Bali just to sit and relax on lounges you are solely mistaken. Bali is a place where everything takes up a notch. Even though Bali has been highlighted and famous recently for it’s villas and developments but what actually made Bali the best tourist spots are the modern life it offers. It has some of the finest clubs in the worlds which you definitely need to visit on your nexgt visit. Here is our top 5 picks:-
Mirror Night Club:-

If you are fed up of Kuta and wants to know where all the class goes, then Mirror night club is just the place. It is the club where you will find the executive class, no drunk teens, chic interior and perfectly crazy music which keeps your feet stomping with mouth watering scrumptious foods & drinks.
Jenja Night Club Bali:-

Jenja Bar & Club is considered as one of the most chic night club in Bali. Famous for it’s crazy dance parties, Djays, events, staff and food. It offers you the perfect complete packaeg on the Island of Gods which not many offer. This is the palce where you would love to get lost with your friends just to meet new people from all around the world.
Hu’u Bar Club

Do you want to know why tens of thousands people land everyday in Bali? One of the main reason is the hi fi elite Djays performing at Hu’u Bar everyday and specially at weekends. Since 2001 Hu’u has been setting new standards for every other club in Bali with its crazy all night long parties. So my friend if you haven’t been there already, you need to book a ticket to Bali right now to dive straight into the action and guess what they offer accomodation as well.
Woo Bar W Hotel Bali

Going to a bar with the perfect dance club is amazing but you what is more amazing? A beachfront bar with all night long crazy night parties. W Hotel name is no stranger to the tourists and travellers of the world. They have set some new standards which has redefined the concept of luxury with style. So has the Woo bar at W hotel set the bar very high with it’s crazy beachfront parties under the perfect moon light.
Mixwell (Gay Bar) Bali

What makes a dance party perfect? Music? Yes, Ambiance? Yes, Food? Yes, Drinks? Yes. What makes it even better? Hosted and arranged by the stylish crazy Gay dancers. Gay bars are famous all around the world because of their arrangements, music and quality. Mixwell is no different as it has set some new world standards with its crazy parties, exotic dancers and hot n sexy friendly drag queen staff. It is a must visit trust me if you want to remember Bali for the rest of your life.