The Bali provincial government will start implementing new
requirements for international visitors once the border reopens on October 14th
According to the Head of Bali Informatics, Communication, and
Statistics, I Gusti Ngurah Udiyana, each tourist is obliged to download the
LoveBali app prior to their arrival at the Bali International Airport, in
compliance with the current Decree from Bali Governor Number 15243 Year 2020.
"We have received instructions from the Bali Governor that all visitors
must download and utilize the LoveBali app while in Bali." Udiyana stated
on Friday, August 10th.
Udiyana noted that the Bali provincial government commenced its
implementation in 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic began. "This
application was actually prepared in 2020, but we opted to delay its
implementation because Covid-19 transmissions continued to surge, prompting the
central government to suspend their reopening plan for Bali." Udiyana
The app was created to assist Bali's provincial administration in
recording every visitor's travel history while on the island.
"We discussed this app with the central government's
PeduliLindungi tracing app developer, as they both have certain similarities
and desire an integrated system so people don't have to input the same data in
both apps." Udiyana drew a close.
Meanwhile, the Bali Communication and Information Agency is working
on a payment mechanism for tourists that would eventually combine the LoveBali
app with the Bali Regional Development Bank (BPD).