A festival with an aim to to "Rebuild Bali" has been announced by by the creator behind the popular Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (UWRF) and Ubud Food Festival (UFF) on Monday.

The festival will take place virtually from October 29 to November 8, 2020. 

KEMBALI20: A Rebuild Bali Festival is said to "bring together the most successful elements of UWRF and UFF".

“UWRF was created to boost the economy and ‘reflower’ the community after the devastating effects of the first Bali bombings. As a festival with a mission, we believe that once again, it is our duty to help Bali heal and that culture is at the heart of rebuilding societies,” said founder and director Janet DeNeefe, Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati in a statement.

The festival will be accessible to every one around the world including the artists and the audience through donation-based sessions. The programs are said to include book launches, workshops, discussions, poetry reading, children's programs and films.

It is the first time in 17 years that both URWF and UFF has been cancelled due to pandemic. These festivals aim to promote Ubud as the center of art and culture by showcasing Indonesian writers, artists and chefs on international stage.

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Due to the global pandemic, Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati made the tough decision to postpone #UWRF and #UFF for the first time in 17 years. Now, the Foundation is back with a new and exciting event delivered in a new format, KEMBALI 2020: A Rebuild Bali Festival Presented by ABC. Kembali — Indonesian word for return, come back — is a festival of literature, food, art and culture, bringing together the most successful elements of UWRF and UFF. KEMBALI20 will be this year’s most important celebration of Indonesia’s creative arts and culinary richness, a pillar of human resilience and survival. #KEMBALI20 will serve programs focusing on an outstanding line-up across the creative arts, from literature to film, design, fashion and journalism, as well as, those in the culinary world. From Sabang to Merauke, Singapore to Mexico, all events are accessible to a global audience through its donation-based sessions. Discussions, workshops, book launches, poetry readings, children’s program and film, will be presented in digital format. Some programs will be available on the ground for limited local audience, following all the required COVID-19 safety procedures. Stay tuned on this space as we will be releasing the full program and schedule in September. For more information about KEMBALI20, head to Linktree in our bio. #KembalikeBali #ARebuildBaliFestival #KEMBALIPresentedbyABC

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