Bali officials have announced that they would begin
administering the Covid-19 vaccine to Bali youngsters after 70% of the island's
population have been vaccinated.
Dewa Made Indra, Bali Regional Secretary, stated that
youngsters aged 12 to 17 will begin getting the Covid-19 vaccination in the
near future. “Children in Bali are expected to get the Covid-19 vaccine after
the present initiative to give it to 70% of Bali inhabitants is completed,
since it is also one of the prerequisites for achieving herd immunity among the
people.” On Wednesday (30/6), Made Indra said.
Indra stated that the initiative was started to limit
the spread of Covid-19, as 4,980 children in Bali had tested positive for the
virus since the pandemic began in 2020. Meanwhile, the Head of Udayana IX
Military Health, Colonel Ckm Dr. I Made Mardika, indicated that he would
support the initiative to give the vaccine to Bali children by sending medical
personnel to assist in the distribution of the vaccine at various vaccination
locations around Bali.
Mardika also stated that the Covid-19 vaccination will
be delivered to Bali children from Sinovac. “We will provide tremendous
assistance to this initiative by supplying sufficient medical professionals in
numerous vaccination locations around the island, but for the time being, we
are still awaiting additional orders from the central government.” Colonel
Mardika explained. However, Made Indra also stated that in-person learning in
schools is still not possible in Bali due to an increase of Covid cases in
various locations. “In-person learning can theoretically be used when all
instructors are vaccinated to avoid the formation of new clusters in our
schools.” Indra reached a conclusion.