Are you thinking to place your next investment somewhere? Consider Indonesia.

Indonesia lies in the heart of Southeast Asia. This republic has been developing its infrastructure especially around two decades after its declaration of independence in 1945. From that point on, it has been offering a lot of investment possibilities.

There are many fields in Indonesia to place your investment on. From commodities to properties, they share fairly equal opportunities for investors.

Despite the crisis in both politic and economy, the country stands tall among its class. Investors, both domestic and international, find many reasons to place their investment here.

Among those many reasons, we gathered the ten most common to be added into your consideration in investing your money.

1. High Population Rate

This archipelago is the home to over 250 million people. That means you have 250 million numbers of people to sell and expand your business to.

With a quarter billion inhabitants, Indonesia becomes the fourth largest population country. This huge crowd will definitely generate a great market for the business you invest in.

The best part is that most of those 250 million people are young and on their productive age. It gives you a large workforce to help your business expands.

Not to mention that Indonesia has a wide variety of ethnic groups and cultures. With such diversity, your business will have a lot of options to direct its development.

2. Abundant Biodiversity

Indonesia has the world’s second highest level of biodiversity after Brazil. It comes to no surprise because of the country’s size, geography, and also the tropical climate supporting it all.

Besides its flora and fauna, Indonesia is the home to a wide range of ecosystems. From beaches, small islands, coral reefs, sea-grass beds, sand dunes, tidal flats, coastal mudflats, mangroves, and the list goes on.

So Indonesia is enriched with biodiversity. The question remains: what does it have to do with the Indonesian business?

This gives investors a wide range of field option to work on. When one way doesn’t work, there are still many ways available to achieve successful business in Indonesia

3. Various Commodities

One of the main reasons behind Indonesia’s survival of the global crisis is its abundance and variety of commodities. That is a vital asset to the country.

Despite having 250 billion to feed, Indonesia manages to export 60% of its produced commodities. The country’s biggest commodity is palm oil. Among 60 million tons global production and reserves of palm oil, Indonesia takes part in producing more than half of it.

The second biggest commodity is geothermal energy. Indonesia produces 40% of the global production and reserves. Besides those, other main commodities are natural rubber, cocoa, rice, coffee, and many more.

Of course, this also gives any investors the abundance and variety of business to work on with a significant amount of revenue. For example, investing in Indonesia’s palm oil business gives you the chance of conquering 50% of the global palm oil business itself.