A circular letter released by Regional Bali Government which has been signed by Wayan Koster, Governor of Bali confirms the statement that work from home mandate in Bali has been extended till 13 May 2020.

Circular Letter 730/9251/MP/BKD

Dated 20 April 2020

Adjustment of employee work systems in an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in Bali Province

Noting the development of situations and conditions relating to the spread of covid-19, hereby convey the following matters:

1. That the implementation period of work at home / residence is extended until May 13, 2020, and will be evaluated according to the development of the situation at the central and regional levels;

2. To achieve work targets and meet performance targets through work system adjustments, arrangements need to be made:

– Functional officials and administrative staff work at home with an assignment letter;
– To accelerate coordination in carrying out services and implementation of tasks while working at home / residence, must remain at home and other communication tools to remain active, and at any time if necessary immediately to the office ‘.
– Employees who are assigned to work at home, carry out work in accordance with their respective work plans by making daily reports and reporting work results to their respective superiors;
– To continue providing services to the community, so that each work unit applies a system of tasks in turn with regard to the Covid-19 Health Handling Protocol.
– Office security guards, drivers, cleaning services and garden workers work as usual;
– During the period of working at home, each head of work unit to ensure that employees do not take leave and going home, according to the Circular Letter of Minister of Foreign Affairs RB Number 36 2020, concerning the Limitation of Activities Going Out of the Region and / or ‘going home’ (mudik) and Leave Activities for ASN in Covid Prevention Efforts -19. If there is an ASN carrying out ‘going home’ (mudik) without permission, disciplinary punishment is given in accordance with the provisions of the legislation governing employee discipline.