bali isn't just for the honeymooners!

Category : Investissement Villa Bali | Posted on Apr 11, 2016
Yes this is a great misconception about Bali that is just the place for honeymooners and romantic lovey dovey couples. It isn't, there is a reason that it is called "The Island Of Gods" and Gods do not limit things to one specific gentry. Yes Bali is beautiful, exotic and breathtaking but it isn't all just that. During my last trip on Bali with my son, I realized that people relating to Bali as just the get away romantic spot are so wrong because the things it offers and the variety it has, i...

amazing apps for indonesian tourists

Category : Investissement Villa Bali | Posted on Apr 11, 2016
We live in fast moving times where technology has replaced almost every thing and sometime it gets hard to keep up without the digital tools. Not long ago travelers used to look up to travel magazines, maps and guides to plan their trips. Traveling changed when google maps were introduced and now there are hundreds & thousands of apps available at tourist's disposal to choose from based on their destination. Indonesia is one of the famous & favorite destinations of the tourists from almost every...

top 5 bali beaches – a must see for beach lovers

Category : Tourist Destination | Posted on Apr 11, 2016
Who doesn’t love beaches? People travel all over the world take their sweet time to find themselves a perfect vacation spot. Which is mostly an island or a country filled with exotic beaches. We focused on the beauty of Bali in our post Bali – The Land of Gods, Now we will share the top 5 reasons which will definitely make plan an immediate vacation to this dreamland. Yes we are going to focus on the top 5 exotic beaches of Bali. So here we go:- 1.Echo Beach Echo Beach is a famous surfing...

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